【原创】 易发久先生的影响力九条理念:



Nine Ideas of Influence by Mr. Yi Fajiu


1、成功是因为态度   Be Successful for Attitude 

2、我是我认为的我   I Am Just the One Who I Describe Myself As 

3、我是一切的根源   I Am the Root of Each Idea 

4、不是不可能,只是暂时没有找到方法   Nothing Is Impossible Before We Think of the Best Idea.   

5、山不过来,我过去   Why Not Be Active to Approach the High and Motionless Mountain? 

6、每天进步一点点   Make a Little Progress Every Day. 

7、决心决定成功   Success Depends on Determination. 

8、天助自助者   God Helps Those Who Help Themselves. 

9、太棒了,这样的事情竟然发生在我身上   Great, This Miracle Did Happen to Me! 




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