



Essential Bodywear (成衣,内衣/睡衣)
Esther, Inc. (
Ethnic Expressions Home Gallery (
The Finest Accessories, Inc. (
Henry Beautiful (
化妆品, 护肤
Jockey Person To Person (
Juvio Corporation (
计算机技术支持, 家庭装饰, 珠宝, 补充营养品, 个人护理, 护肤
M Studio, Inc. (
Orenda International LLC (
SimplyFun LLC (
Spa Style (

Each of these companies completed the one-year pending period required for full membership in the association. During this time, the marketing and business plans of applicant companies are reviewed to ensure compliance with all provisions of DSA’s Code of Ethics.


“The members of the Direct Selling Association pride themselves in their commitment to the highest standards in business ethics,” said DSA’s President Neil Offen. “By applying for membership in the association and going through a rigorous approval process, these companies are saying they take their ethical obligations to their field salesforce and to the ultimate customer seriously and are willing to make a public pledge to that effect.”

“直销协会的成员们以他们在商业伦理上信守最高标准的承诺而自豪,”直销协会主席Neil Offen说,“通过申请会员资格并通过严格的审批程序,这些公司可以说他们认真承担对于销售团队和最终客户的道德义务,为此他们愿意进行公开保证。”

DSA’s Code of Ethics gives the direct selling industry one of the strongest self-regulatory codes in business today. All member companies are not only required to comply with the Code to be admitted to the association, but must also continue to uphold and promote the Code as a condition of continuing membership in the association. DSA’s Code is enforced by an independent code administrator who investigates and prescribes remedies in response to salesforce and consumer complaints against member companies.


The Code itself includes provisions requiring truthful disclosure of product information regarding price, grade, quality, quantity and availability. The Code expressly prohibits pyramid schemes, deceptive or unlawful consumer or recruiting practices, misrepresentation of earning or sales potential, inventory loading and unreasonable entrance fees.


DSA is the national trade association of the leading firms that manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. Among its 205 active members are companies selling both via a party-plan method and in the traditional person-to-person style. In 2004, U.S. direct sales exceeded $29.5 billion with more than 13.5 million direct sellers nationwide. The vast majority are independent business people – micro-entrepreneurs – whose purpose is to sell the product/service of the company they voluntarily choose to represent. More than 90 percent of direct sellers operate their business part-time.



«上一篇:美国零售传统创新高:直销的年度经济影响力达到720亿美元   下一篇:安利在俄罗斯的销售额一年之内突破一亿美元»

评论(1) 点击次数(6141)
  • hrdvfak pkomysi 说:vfoliykcq nfbvtw

    2006-12-01 18:04:09

    qfxjc kgxzpul mcwfdqbzp gawpcb jakvtynx zgasvjpdn crnfpjsba
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